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Despite the sheer size of the transportation and logistics market, there has been limited technology innovation to streamline the process of moving goods from point A to point B. Given that the industry generates $1.3 trillion in business, representing 11% of GDP, companies looking to improve efficiency and reduce cost will continue to drive development […]
Apple has again turned iPhone buzz into gold. Despite all the talk of possible bells and whistles, Verizon Wireless looks to be offering the iconic smartphone on roughly the same terms as AT&T. The only clear winners will be Apple’s masters of hype. Sure, some AT&T customers would be delighted to say goodbye to the […]
Traditional venture capital firms are struggling to remain relevant to new company formation, the development of new technologies, and the capability of bringing new medical device technologies to market. Although my comments are specific to medical device venture investing, my friends in Silicon Valley will agree, if even only in a quiet moment of reflection, that the same applies in biotechnology and general technology investing.
Although online tracking and data collection has largely been a self-regulated industry in the United States, recent developments suggest lawmakers are re-evaluating consumers’ right to privacy with respect to their personal information. New policy initiatives will drastically impact the way advertisers collect, use and disclose consumer information. All companies with a web presence should be […]
As a super angel fund, our primary objective is to identify companies poised for extraordinary growth in markets that have huge potential headroom to fuel that growth. The three core markets I see for 2011 are: mobile, e-commerce and enterprise. Mobile is the way to go The dizzying explosion of mobile usage reminds me of the heady days of the internet in the early ‘90s. In roughly 12 quarters since their launch, the combined unit shipments of the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad alone have approached 120 million, easily eclipsing the 27 million unit reach of the Netscape browser in the same time period.
A great deal has been written about Groupon’s rejection of a supposed $6 billion offer from Google. Most of the reports breathlessly describe the explosive revenue and customer growth the company has achieved in two short years and what a breakthrough the model represents. With over 40 million email subscribers, Groupon’s success is based on […]
For our final issue of 2010, while others are sifting tea leaves, reading tarot cards, or gazing into crystal balls for what’s in store for capital markets next year, we’ll tell you what our own proprietary super-sophisticated forecasting model is saying. And if everyone’s bets for 2011 are as accurate as they were for this […]
Carried interest, essentially performance fees, for private equity firms should be taxed as income rather than capital gains. But Blackstone boss Stephen Schwarzman and many of his friends unsurprisingly object, sometimes to hyperbolic extreme. And the additional revenue wouldn't make much of a dent in the U.S. deficit. So despite the symbolic value, the idea is losing out to politics. [The tentative Dec. 7 tax deal between President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans made no mention of raising taxes on private equity gains. Also, the U.S. Senate's Finance Committee last week dropped that idea from a bill to extend broader tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003.] The latest Senate plan to remove the carried interest loophole last week became a victim of the horse-trading around extension of Bush-era tax cuts that would otherwise expire at the end of the year - a negotiation that brought a tentative deal between President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans on Tuesday.
You know it’s a busy December when bank meetings are outnumbering holiday parties. By one calculation, thirty-one leveraged transactions launched last week, twelve on Wednesday alone. There were the de rigueur dividend recaps – Decision Resources, Earthbound Farm, Flexera Software, Harbor Freight, HDT Worldwide, Hyland Software, Novelis, and TARGUS. But there were also some genuine LBOs in the mix: Advantage Sales, FilmYard, Sunquest, Syniverse, Transtar, and UTEX. We run through the roll call for a subtle corporate finance point: That’s a lot of deals.
Yesterday, inspired by Bill Gurley’s piece looking at the IPO market in Silicon Valley, I took a closer look at the Massachusetts IPO scene. Now, let’s look at New York. Unlike MA’s robust public company ecosystem, where I counted 33 public companies with greater than $1 billion in market capitalization, I was shocked to discover how very few similarly situated public companies in the Innovation Economy that exist in NY. If you restrict the geography to 30-45 minutes driving distance and part of the New York City “scene” (which encourages mingling and productive talent and idea sharing), you have to eliminate CA, IBM and Priceline.

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