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Co-investments, in which investors and a sponsor’s primary fund invest alongside each other in an M&A deal, have become a staple of today’s private equity landscape. It’s not hard to see why. Given the importance of having an effective co-investment strategy, and of avoiding potential pitfalls, Torys LLP Partner Stefan Stauder and Senior Associate Jamie Becker have come up with some "how-to" guidelines for investors negotiating and managing co-investment arrangements with PE sponsors.
Canada's oil and gas industry has experienced turbulent times as of late. But current trends also present opportunities for companies and investors choosing to go deeper into the domestic energy space at the right price and in advance of a recovery, writes Neal Ross, a partner at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP. In a PE Hub Canada feature, Ross looks at current market conditions and highlights some of the ways in which Canadian energy companies are successfully partnering with private equity firms.
private equity, Chris Witkowsky
California Public Employees’ Retirement System has earned a reputation as one of the toughest limited partners in the business. This is because the system takes a hard line on fees and other terms, pushing back on managers to the point that some GPs don’t look for capital from CalPERS, once the most important LP in the […]
private equity, Chris Witkowsky
I recently was sitting over coffee with an investment-relations professional, and the topic of Réal Desrochers came up. I was wondering whether my source had heard anything about Réal retiring. My source hadn’t heard anything but went on to talk about how the firm wasn’t going to invite California Public Employees’ Retirement System into its new […]
private equity, mergers, M&A
The Institutional Limited Partners Association by early next year would like to produce a revised set of recommended LPA terms that will likely address how forthcoming general partners should be with the sharing of SEC exam results. The association has a parallel initiative under way to streamline the wording of select provisions, such as distribution waterfalls. First released in […]
private equity, Chris Witkowsky
A familiar refrain echoed through the brightly lit rooms of the Hyatt Regency in Boston in March. Prices are high, said dealmakers at Buyouts’ PartnerConnect East conference on panel after panel. They’re so high that the environment is starting to feel like that golden era back in 2007. GPs are underwriting deals to mid-teen IRRs, […]
Despite a number of disruptive events in 2016, or perhaps because of them, private equity funds remain the favoured access point for institutional investors looking for a return from their private investments. For this reason, the fundraising environment has arguably never been better for general partners. But how does a GP stand out from the pack in a crowded market in 2017? In a PE Hub Canada feature article, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Partner Mary Abbott  offers 10 useful tips to PE fundraisers.
private equity, hurdle rate, MJ Hudson, Advent International,
Advent International became a news-maker in 2016. Not because of its successful US$13-billion fundraising, but because the venerable firm’s latest fund was oversubscribed at a reported US$20 billion despite not featuring what has been to date a mainstay of private equity funds: the “hurdle” or “preferred return”. In an exclusive PE Hub Canada feature article, Mary Abbott, a partner at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, asks: is this the start of a trend?
private equity, mergers, M&A
Siris Capital, a popular member of a new class of technology-buyout specialists started in the last decade, is expected to be out in the market either late this year or early next with its third broadly marketed fund. Look for the firm to set a target of at least $3 billion. Speaking Friday at the Columbia Business School […]
private equity, mergers, M&A
Private equity has never been great at diversity and inclusion. It didn’t have to be — firms made a lot of money and no one cared too much that it was a bunch of white guys doing it. But the world is changing and business must adapt. Women are woefully underrepresented in PE. In the upper levels […]

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