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No lengthy column today in Dan's absence, just a quick endorsement of iCon, a book about Steve Jobs, and a quick thought. I'm only up to page 111, or 1984, but it happens to be the point in time where, according to the author, then-Apple board member Arthur Rock, one of the venture capital market's […]
Get The PE Week Wire in your inbox each morning! Just send us an email.   Mayfield Takes LP Lumps Lots of big news this morning, including the $600 million acquisition of Flarion by Qualcomm, the ValueClick/FastClick merger and changes at Lightspeed Venture Partners. But since you can read about such things elsewhere, I wanted […]
Get The PE Week Wire in your inbox each morning! Just send us an email.   Let’s Be Obsessed Together… While in San Francisco last week, I had dinner and drinks with a former colleague. After getting through all the chitchat, she got a puzzled look on her face and asked, “Why are you so […]
Get The PE Week Wire in your inbox each morning! Just send us an email. Returns,
Get The PE Week Wire in your inbox each morning! Just send us an email.   Counting Down The Hours… Very slow news day, as folks apparently are starting their weekends early. But I hate leaving you with nothing, so… ***First, a huge thanks to everyone who volunteered to donate items to our potential PE […]
Get The PE Week Wire in your inbox each morning! Just send us an email.   Just a couple quick notes on my last day as substitute teacher: * My two-week stint with this column reminded me how much rage is actually brimming at the surface in the private equity market. Despite all the deal […]
Get The PE Week Wire in your inbox each morning! Just send us an email.   Friday Feedback The sun is shining, Danny Ainge is on the precipice of a giant blunder and I’m about to take my first vacation since last August. In other words, it’s time for some Friday Feedback.   The vast majority of email […]
Random Ramblings It is 9:53am, and I’ve just come to a horrifying conclusion: PE Week Wire columns should probably be written the previous evening, unless something particularly eventful happens in the morning. This realization is born of another two-plus hours of news gathering, as the private equity market – VC and LBO alike – is […]
FRIDAY, MAY 27 Random Ramblings (Part Duex) Some odds and ends to carry us into the weekend: *** Survey Reminder: By now you should’ve received an email about completing our bi-annual ACG/Thomson DealMakers Survey. It only takes a few minutes to fill out, and all respondents will be entered in a drawing to win incentives […]
Get The PE Week Wire in your inbox each morning! Just send us an email.   Friday Feedback The sun is shining, the Henry Hudson Parkway is collapsing, and I’m thankfully returning to Boston later today (haven’t been there in over a week). In other words, it’s time for Friday Feedback. This week’s edition will […]

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