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Monday Mouthoff The sun is shining, Brokeback got robbed and the Buyouts Symposium East is just two days away. In other words, it’s time for some Monday Mouth-Off. Most email was in response to Friday’s column about the Silicon Valley VC being arrested for domestic abuse, and my (possibly hypocritical) reasons for not disclosing his name […]
Random Ramblings *** It’s only been 24 hours, but I’ve already developed a love/hate relationship with the new pandemic and bio defense fund formed by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. What I love is its nobility. With avian flu now spreading into Western Europe and lots of real-life baddies hoping to mimic the Chechnyan thugs […]
Random Ramblings I was working on a comprehensive column on M&A, but ran out of time (I’m sure you’re shocked, just shocked). So instead here are the salient points, followed by some unrelated notes: *** The majority of M&A professional believe that M&A activity will continue to rise in 2006, according to the ACG/Thomson DealMakers’ […]
Random Ramblings *** Buyouts Magazine is asking private equity pros to participate in its second annual Survey on Sell-Side Advisors. Specifically, it monitors how private equity firms use sell-side advisors/I-banks, and their overall feelings about the working relationship. Results will be published in the next issue of Buyouts Magazine, with selected results published here. So […]
AIG vs. Cartesian: Postmortem Ten days ago, I wrote that there would be no winners in the AIG vs. Cartesian Group lawsuit, save for the lawyers (which generated lots of indignant email from lawyers). From a legal perspective, I was entirely correct. After all, the whole point of a confidential out-of-court settlement is that both […]
Get The PE Week Wire in your inbox each morning! Just send us an email.   Random Ramblings Huge amount of news this morning, so just time for a few quick notes: *** Buyouts Magazine today released 2005 deal-making and fund-raising figures. Not surprisingly, both tallies shattered previous records. In 2005, there were 845 leveraged […]
Random Ramblings Greetings from cold, snowy and Renteria-less Boston. Some notes as we head into the weekend: *** Monday’s Buyouts Magazine will include a piece I recently wrote about the future of private equity fund placement agents, particularly vis-à-vis growing buyout fund sizes. My general premise was as follows: More and more firms are raising […]
Get The PE Week Wire in your inbox each morning! Just send us an email.   Answer Key My wife is in the midst of correcting final exams for a college course she’s teaching, which got me to thinking: “Gee, maybe it’s time for me to provide some answers to those quiz questions I’ve been […]
Get The PE Week Wire in your inbox each morning! Just send us an email.   Update-Apalooza Abry Partners vs. ProvidenceEquity Partners I have learned an important lesson in covering this case: Court clerks can be very literal. This is particularly true of clerks in the Chancery Court of Delaware, who I have spoken to […]

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