It seems like the 2005 drop in Canadian buyout volume was an aberration, based on new data from the CVCA and Thomson Financial. Disclosed values for buyouts of Canadian companies totaled a record US$10.9 billion last year, which is more than double the $4.5 billion tally from 2005. It also is higher than the $6.7 […]
Warburg Pincus has taken a legal double-whammy in a South Korean court, on charges that it had engaged in insider trading of LG Card shares. Prosecutors had indicted Warburg Pincus managing director Hwang Sung-jin last April, and yesterday a judge sentenced him to four years in prison. The judge also fined Warburg Pincus approximately $57 […]
(Download data here: RaisingBids.pdf) I’ve been taking some reader heat for my latest thesis du jour: Private equity firm adulation/omnipresence is causing public shareholders and strategic buyers to feel that initial take-private offers are artificially low – thus resulting in a need to either raise or abandon bids. Recent examples include Equity Office, Harrah’s, Elkcorp, […]
(Updated) Equity Office shareholders yesterday overwhelmingly approved the $55.50 per share buyout offer from The Blackstone Group, thus cementing the largest-ever LBO at around $39 billion (including around $16 billion in assumed debt). I wrote a few days ago that Blackstone might be better off losing the deal if it were able to collect the […]
Yesterday I wrote that Blackstone Group might be better off losing the Equity Office deal to Vornado, considering that it had been forced to raise its bid – and thereby reduce its return expectations — by 14.4 percent. And I received emails from six Blackstone LPs – all of whom agreed (although my guess is […]
General Atlantic today announced that it has acquired Network Solutions, a Herndon, Va.-based provider of online solutions for small businesses, from Najafi Cos. (f.k.a. Pivotal Private Equity). So let’s play 5 Questions with Anton Levy, a managing director with General Atlantic and head of the firm’s media and consumer practice. 1. Network Solutions provides services […]
Am I the only one who’s beginning to think it’s in Blackstone’s best interest to lose the Equity Office deal? It has now raised its bid to $55.50 per share, which is 14.4% higher than its initial offer. So assume for a moment that Blackstone was originally expecting a 25% ROI from the deal – […]
I received an email earlier today from someone asking “Where has private equity gone? It seems that deal-flow has slowed just as we expected an onslaught of deals.” The reader and I share mutual expectations, but a different premise: I also expect that buyout volume will increase, but my research shows that the uptick already […]
Private equity is not, nor has it been, in the midst of a bubble. Its recent boom-times have been driven by legitimate market factors, and risk has been so mitigated – via debt securitization, among other techniques – that today’s private equiteers are unlikely to suffer the same fate as venture capitalists circa 2001. But, […]
The largest leveraged buyout in history may have just gotten larger. Vornado Realty Trust just announced that it has offered $52 per share for commercial real estate giant Equity Office Properties Trust, with Starwood Capital and Walton Street Capital also participating. This tops an existing $48 per share bid from The Blackstone Group, and would […]

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