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Morgan Stanley, Thompson Street, Rock Mountain and FRE are snatching up providers of services for lawn care, home inspections and pest control.
Recent buyers include L Catterton, Sun Capital, Ridgemont Equity Partners and Stellex.
OEP’s Ryzhkov: We seek a revenue stream from all major geographies.
'Today, there are only a handful of states with established and effective community solar programs,' ECP's Andrew Gilbert says. 'But we expect more states to implement these programs.'
Protection from a recession
Bain’s participation helped ensure ‘best possible financing’, said BC’s Stefano Ferraresi.
'You need an established bottom in order to figure out valuations, and I don’t think we have hit that point yet,' said Jonathan Norris.
Grégory Agez: We need to have human chemistry with the management.
Illustration of doctors and medical professionals using technology
Guy Semmens: Reducing cost and increasing access ‘is part of what we’re trying to do in the world’.
'There is a race going on to build businesses and to build networks in as many communities as possible and as fast as possible.'
Spectrum Medical, CVC’s latest investment, develops new technologies for the cardiac bypass and ICU sectors.

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