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Shortened drug development cycle heightens demand for 'high-quality, accurate and efficient testing,' said SFW’s Roger Freeman.
'The demand for modern cloud ERP systems in the manufacturing and distribution space is so strong and growing so fast that the organic opportunity at Rootstock is more than enough to excite any investor,' said Gryphon's Jon Cheek.
Bomi Group’s revenues more than doubled under three years of ArchiMed’s ownership.
While some PE firms buy clubs, others such as Sixth Street are finding other ways to gain exposure.
'We were already looking for online marketplaces and had forged a conviction around the space and its strong pillars,' said Eurazeo’s Vivianne Akriche.
Gommatex Spalmati completes Aksìa Group’s portfolio in the Italian excellences sectors.
'Thinking of pension systems only in terms of the stock price return may have worked in 1945. But in 2025, it might not be that simple.'
Kewsong Lee, Carlyle fundraising
Former co-CEO William Conway will serve as interim chief; newly formed office of the CEO will help find a permanent successor.
Dermatologist examining for signs of cancer
Aging baby boomers are driving rollups of physician practices in areas like dermatology, vision and physical therapy.
Cornerstone VC, a first-time fund manager, has set out to prove that superior financial returns can come from backing diverse entrepreneurs. Positive impact is a 'significant secondary benefit'.

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