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Norled, a Norwegian marine transportation company, proved its resiliency during the pandemic, he said.
Fedrigoni has around 40 percent of global market share of wine and champagne labels.
'We see the opportunity is equal, if not greater, for our next hold,' Joel Schwartz said.
With almost 72% of goods transported by trucks in the US, the truck industry presents a lucrative and resilient investment for private equity firms working along the supply chain sector.
'There is a realization that if we are going to decarbonize heavy duty transportation and commercial aviation, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuels will have to be a part of the solution,' says Jeffrey Luse.
Jean-Baptiste Wautier believes the spluttering financing market could be in better shape by early 2023.
Avinty is Main Capital’s new platform investment for the healthcare software sector.
'Lawn care is a fantastic opportunity for private equity given the recurring nature of the revenue and the ability to positively transform companies,' said Huron’s Brian Rassel.
The utility provider is poised for growth, due to infrastructure legislation, 5G initiatives, increased awareness of the importance of conducting locates and a shift to outsourcing.
Accel-KKR invested in Yes Energy in April.

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