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PE firms can help supply chain companies professionalize and modernize operations, make investments in new technologies and capabilities, improve internal processes and build scale, says Sun's Steven Liff.
“There was already a trend toward e-commerce in both B2B and B2C, but the pandemic accelerated it, particularly on the B2C side," said Gerry DeBiasi, partner, Kidd & Company.
“Even as the market has gotten more competitive, we as a firm have never been more active,” TPG’s Jeff Rhodes told PE Hub.
"Financial services represents just 10% of US private equity investments, but players in the space are increasingly seeing this technological transformation occur across the entire fintech value chain and backing businesses sitting in the middle of these trends," LMP's Pierson said.
“When you look at just the record levels of inflation and the supply chain challenges that we have seen, having a partner to help an organization navigate that has become more important," said FTV's Alex Malvone.
"Information businesses underpin all of our investments at Spectrum, and that is very much the case in healthcare," Jeff Haywood, Spectrum
PE Hub spoke with Investcorp's Amit Gaind and Trilantic's Charles Fleischmann about RoadSafe's five acquisitions since they invested in it a year ago.
"We have a focused strategy that allows us to leverage our significant healthcare services industry knowledge and our vast network ," VSCP's Adam Feinstein said. "Because we have those things, our sourcing strategy consists of backing founders and corporate carve-outs."
Argosy transforms Paragon from niche player in the nuclear power sector to predominant force.
We toast the work of six private equity firms for their highly successful deals made in 2021. Francisco Partners takes the top prize with its carve-out of medical device maker Capsule Technologies.

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