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Guest Writer

The dramatic rise in telehealth has created many PE investment opportunities, but many of these changes won’t survive the pandemic.
This is the year when technology changes from being an enhancement to the PE process to being an inseparable part of it.
The issues were primarily with Prospect's decision to close three facilities in Texas and its management of several hospitals in Connecticut.
Thomas Friedman recently argued that “the coronavirus will create a new historical divide: before-Corona (BC) and after-Corona (AC).”
Those who’ve been down the IPO road before get it: preparedness and project management are paramount.
Michael Kauffman, Tech DNA
By Michael Kauffman, Tech DNA The technology risks uncovered by technology due diligence fall into three main risk categories: hidden liabilities, increased downside risks, and decreased upside risks. Hidden liabilities These risks are often the largest liabilities. They include: Cybersecurity/Privacy risk: By now most professionals understand the reputational risks of being hacked. A potentially greater […]

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