Chris Witkowsky
Harris to step out of day-to-day activities at Apollo and Indian-American dealmakers spring to action as health crisis ravages India.
Such deals give the GP more flexibility not only to hold assets longer out of older funds, but also fresh capital to continue growing the business.
Transaction Data Systems is an example of a company operating in a growing sector, healthcare technology, that is emerging and has a long way to develop.
KPS Capital is set to make 8.5x on TaylorMade Golf amid a surge in popularity.
Shannon Buerk, engage2learn's CEO, will continue to lead the company.
General Atlantic invests in Vida and saluting the future leaders in private equity
Carlyle Group, which sold a majority stake in Bountiful Co. to KKR in 2017 and retained a minority interest, also is selling its position in the business.
Despite deal slowdown during pandemic, multiples soared.
Gallegos previously worked as chief investment officer for the New York City Comptroller's office, as well as deputy state investment officer for New Mexico State Investment Council.
The deal agreement includes a 45-day “go-shop” period that expires June 9, 2021, which allows the Board and its advisers to consider other bids.